One thing you can do to quickly improve your singing voice is work on producing a richer, sweeter tone quality.
To do this, there are 2 important concepts to understand, as well as some simple exercises that will have your voice sounding slicker in no time!
In this vocal lesson video you’ll learn about these concepts, and discover an exercise that will give you a richer sounding voice.
When it comes down to it, if you’re not happy with your tone quality, it’s probably because of the way you’re using your body to produce your sound. If you can learn to sing in a free flowing manner without anything restricting you, your natural tone will shine through and you’ll sound fantastic.
When most people begin to sing they have the tendency to “push” their voice. What this does is tightens up things, and engages the swallowing muscles. When this occurs you’ll immediately loose a lot of your tone, because you’ll be cutting off your air supply.
If you stop pushing your voice, your tone quality will improve drastically.
So how can you do this?
Here’s an exercise that will help you to develop a great tonal quality.
This exercise will:
Click play below for the exercise. (The video will begin at the correct time)
And here's the audio file to practice with.
As you’re doing the exercise, remember the technique of thinking that your sound is happening above your cheeks. This is a simple tool that will help you keep the placement of your sound in check.
It’s very important to do this, because one thing that will cause your voice to tense up, is if your sound falls too far back into your throat.
The second “trick” to use, is to sing “down into the note” as you’re getting higher into your range. This will prevent you from “pushing up” (which will cause your voice to tense up also).
Also, notice how relaxed I’m staying while doing the exercise. That will help the tone begin to come through.
I’m making sure that I never “push up” into the note. Pushing up is what will make the tone sound forced and nasal. Keeping nice and relaxed will help your tone stay pure.
The other thing I’m doing is imagining that I’m beginning the note from a high place in my head. This will help you get the placement of your sound in a good place.
The key to improving your tonal quality is to practice this regularly.
You’ll see that after a while your body will accept this new positive habit.
What’s happening here is you’re building a new muscle memory. And it’s based on good vocal technique, so the more you work this into your voice the better you will sound.
Many students ask me, “How long will it take to improve my voice?”
One minute. That’s the answer.
If you're able to start now and do the things that I'm giving you, your voice will start to improve right away. I guarantee it. And I’m going to show you that.
I see my clients do this crazy thing to themselves where they say, “Well, I haven't gotten it yet, so maybe it's not there for me, so I should give up and go back to doing something else.” It’s never true! You just have to be patient.
You will feel Improvement today.
I'm going to give you something that's going to allow you to experience that. Then you’ll know that, “Wait a minute, if I just keep doing things maybe, in no time at all, I will have a really good voice!” And that is true.
Just below I'm giving you an exercise where you will feel and hear improvement straight away.
Once you've had this experience that you can affect a change within your body that's going to show up in your voice, you're going to be more willing to do it all the time.
So, place your thumb under your chin to make sure that you're not using your swallowing muscles. We have to make the weird face that you’ve probably seen me do before, and you can see me do again in the video below.
(Click play below to watch)
And here's the audio file so you can practice along:
Make sure you keep smiling with your cheeks as you do the exercise.
This will help keep your sound positioned in the right place. Keep your thumb on your throat. If you feel the throat muscles working, stop and try it from a lower note.
This exercise is worth doing a lot and will lead to great improvement.
So once you’ve done this a few times, just talk, and listen for the difference. Then you can go sing a bit, and it will show up in your singing as well.
The main thing to get from this exercise is to know that you can change your voice. This will start to give you the awareness of that. Hope this helps you!
Let talk more about how you can continue to develop confidence in your voice.
Does this thought ever occur to you? "How can I improve my singing voice if I'm low in confidence?"
Being confident will go a long way to helping you develop a singing voice you will be proud of.
First of all, you become confident when you experience something where you can see that you're making some improvement.
Then you're more likely to say to yourself, “Oh, wait a minute, maybe I really can do this.” And you'll start to feel more confident. I'm telling you, this happens.
It's not going to happen tomorrow—especially if you've been telling yourself you're terrible. But the more you see yourself improving, the more confidence you'll develop.
Once you've practiced the exercises earlier in this tutorial several times, you might be ready for something more challenging.
If you do this one for long enough, you're going to master it. And as you do, it's going to change your mind about anything that you thought that you could or could not have done before.
There will be two vowel sounds I'm going to have you do this on. In the video below I'll demonstrate a specific pattern, the way I want you to do it.
If you practice it over and over again. And then record yourself. And then listen back to it. You'll be able to track your progress and hear where you missed the note.
If you keep going until you're hitting every note you will improve your singing voice a lot.
Watch the video below for an exercise that will help you improve your voice.
We’ll use “ee” on the first three notes, then a long “a” on the remaining four notes. Click below:
And here's the audio file so you can practice:
Remember to try not to push up on the higher notes. Let go before the highest note, and pronounce the “a” distinctly. Bring "up into the lower notes", so you don’t fall back in your throat.
You may not get all these things all at once, but as you practice, you will.
And as you start to master this, you’re going to feel a little more confident. You may think, “Hey, maybe I need to go out and start really doing this. Maybe I need to really work on it and stop short-changing myself by not following through and developing my voice.”
Practice this for a while, then record yourself doing the exercise. A week later, practice and record again. Over the weeks, you'll see how much you've improved.
I guarantee that you will start to feel more confident and assured about what you're able to do. Let me know how it turns out!
Your swallowing muscles are the single biggest thing that will interfere in your singing. They will stop you from improving more than anything else. So it's worth putting in the extra effort to help them relax.
The great news is that when you remove them from your singing, you’ll sound many times better, and singing will become much more fun!
Watch this video below and I'll show you why your swallowing muscles are such an obstacle to singing well!
Quite simply, vocal freedom!
I struggled for many years with my voice because every time I opened my voice, the swallowing muscles would come down.
When I discovered the technique of using my thumb under my jaw to work out when the muscles were coming into play, everything changed.
You’ll find much more vocal range and you’ll be able to hit your high notes with hardly any effort at all once you've relaxed your swallowing muscles.
…Also, your tone quality will become consisted and sweet throughout your entire range…
… And you'll be able to sing in key much easier.
… Also your voice will feel free and light (never will you have a sore throat the day after singing again!)
If you've ever wondered "how to improve my singing voice?", nothing comes close to being able to release your voice from your swallowing muscles.
It was literally the turning point of my singing career, and can have a dramatic effect on your voice too.
To get many highly effective techniques for eliminating the swallowing muscles from the singing process, as well as other powerful tips to improve your singing, this free video series is highly recommended.
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial on how to develop your voice.
Taking the tension and strain off your voice is a sure way to develop much richer tone quality, as well as increase your range and give you greater freedom.
A couple of weeks practicing this exercise and you’ll see some great results. Also, if you want to go through an excellent free video series that takes you through all aspects of singing, click the link below to register.
Click Here And Get The Video Series That Will Improve Your Singing Voice Greatly
In this video Roger Burnley will take you through some exercises and techniques to get you hitting those spectacular high notes with ease and rich tone! Check it out for how to improve singing voice exercises.
Discovering Your Mixed Vocal Register
Your mixed voice is that wonderful mixture between the richness of your head voice, and the power of your chest voice. In this lesson you’ll learn how to find this register and add it to your singing repertoire.
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Roger Burnley is a vocal coach located in Hollywood, California. He has been teaching singers for over 30 years and singing for even longer than that.
Notable past and present clients include Macy Gray, Brandy, Ray J, The Beastie Boys, James Torme, Taylor Lautner, Nona Gaye, and many more.
His clients have collectively sold more than 30 million albums, with several reaching Platinum and Gold status.
Roger has been featured on VH1, TV Guide Channel, TV One,
and MTV appearing as a vocal expert.
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Roger Burnley is a vocal coach located in Hollywood, California. He has been teaching singers for over 30 years and singing for even longer than that.
Notable past and present clients include Macy Gray, Brandy, Ray J, The Beastie Boys, James Torme, Taylor Lautner, Nona Gaye, and many more.
His clients have collectively sold more than 30 million albums, with several reaching Platinum and Gold status.
Roger has been featured on VH1, TV Guide Channel, TV One,
and MTV appearing as a vocal expert.
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